Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Remodeling Our Large Nursery

We've finished the large nursery remodel, took us 11 weeks and tons of work. Dale got to enjoy exploring for a little while before he was neutered today. Read all about Dale's adventure on our Daily Blog. We might rename him Warren Beatty since he is SO vain. He found the mirror within the first three minutes. He's vain, but he's Dale... he's beautiful and knows it!

And now we've started remodeling our smaller nursery, also known as our Library. It's a room much loved by our Savannahs for those wonderful old book smells! Savannahs are extremely sensitive to scents, of any type. Our books are safely behind glass and I prefer eBooks on my PDA because I can lay on the floor with kittens and happily read without losing pages (and chapters!) to little teeth.

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